New Product: CalMagBeads™ - Magnetic Beads

Calbiotech's CalMagBeads; (streptavidin-bound magnetic beads) are 1 micron, superparamagnetic beads covalently coupled via an innovative linking technology with recombinant streptavidin for the binding of biotinylated molecules. The proprietary CalMagBeads Streptavidin linking technology provides the highest grade and most efficient beads product that possesses unprecedented binding capacity. 


Calbiotech's CalMagBeads™ (streptavidin-bound magnetic beads) are 1 micron, superparamagnetic beads covalently coupled via an innovative linking technology with recombinant streptavidin for the binding of biotinylated molecules. The proprietary CalMagBeads Streptavidin linking technology provides the highest grade and most efficient beads product that possesses unprecedented binding capacity. 

Binding Capacity

Based on independent studies, 1 mg CalMagBeads Streptavidin is expected to bind:

22 – 34 nmoles free biotin                            ~400ug ds-DNA

~800 µg biotinylated IgG                              ~8nmol ss-oligonucleotides

~8 nmol biotinylated peptides


  • - Solid Phase Immunoassays
  • - Immunoprecipitation
  • - Cell Isolation
  • - Nucleic Acid Isolation
  • - Purification of DN/RNA binding proteins
  • - Protein purification
  • - Well suited for POCT and Automated Assay applications                          


  • - Liquid stable; Ready to use
  • - The highest binding capacity in the market
  • - Negligible non-specific binding
  • - Compatible with broad pH and temperature ranges
  • - Cost effective and a great starting point for a wide range of assay development 


Supplier Comparison

CalMagBeads vs. four other SAV-Bead suppliers




Calbiotech's CalMagBeads and Supplier 1 SAV-Beads exhibted identical performance, however the CalMagBeads are superier in terms of its biotin binding capacity: 20x more Supplier 1 beads were used to obtain the same results as 1x of CalMagBeads!!!

Supplier 2 SAV-Beads performed adequately, but with a bit higher background and lower biotin binding capacity. 

Supplier 3 SAV-Beads have the lowest binding capacity of all SAV-Bead products with measurable reactivity.

Supplier 4 SAV-Beads did not exhibit any reactivity.